Sunday, October 12, 2008

Its been a long long time...

Hello All Aorry i havent blogged in AGES!! I have been really busy- and its sometimes too hard to blog. Everything is going well with me:) Hope u are all going good.. luv vik xxx

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

quick note... still alive!

Hello Everyone, Sorry i havent blogged in a while.. have been quite busy and it is hard to find time to get onto the net when my sister is always hogging my laptop. I am good. Working hard (yes jen.. i love going to work- think that is because i have just got a promotion -and with it more responsibilty, so im quite content at the moment. Last Friday i had a ball over at Jennys watching the movie with all the girls... was a bloddy sad movie.. thinkmi blubbered all the way home! lol. Havent really done much.. just worked. Was Mums 40thbirthday on Friday so i took the arvo off to help get set up for her party that was on the Sat. All her friends and some family came over on the sat night and we all had a few to drink. Sunday i was recooperating in bed whilst mum,dad and abbie went and watched the dorkers loose again...hehehe. Monday i chilled at home, saw a couple of friends.Spent time with my family and that was about it. Jen invited me round on Tues night so i took LAtte's and scones with me..they were yum!!!!! We watched Americas Next Top Model and guessed who was leaving..and kept waving c-ya to the girl we wanted to go this week.. we are sad arent we. At about ten i said i was heading home but we got talking and i didnt leave until nearly 11pm. It was good to catch up. Today was a sad day but a celebration in one way. It was my work friends funeral. He was diagnosed with liver cancer four weeks ago and passed away a week and a half ago. It was really sad to hear the news last week, especially coz he first trained me when i joined the department and i have worked with his wife in a few sections. Dave was only 36 and had a two yr old litle boy. The funeral service was really nice. It was open casket which i wasnt expecting but he looked so peaceful.. I had never gone to a funeral before so i didnt quite know what to expect- but it was a celebration of his life. They played a DVD at the end with photo's of him on there, which was lovely. There was about 60 staff members that came to say goodbye. I guess the reason why i am tellng you all about the funeral was because we should all be thankful that we are here and healthy.. life passes us by way too quick and we are always complaining about how petty somethings are in our life- but when u look at something like this, u see life in a different way and i am soo grateful for what life has given me so far and what i can give to the world in the future... anyways, i better go... way past my bedtime. Love to all If you look towards the sunshine, u will never see your shadows. :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

in the wars...

Well.. havent posted for a while- have been busy with work etc. I played the first netball game of the season last night and i played really well- until the last three minutes of the game when i rolled my ankles- hence the crutches and swollen ankle... man it hurts!!! I was up all last night with the pain! I got panadeine forte from the hosp but it didnt seem to help last night- i kept waking up crying (or wimpering- lol- coz i am a wimp!) below is a photo post injury today! hope all is well. love vik

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

new beginnings.....

Ok, its 1st April today... and i have been thinking its time for a change. Most of you know that the last couple of years have been hectic.. but its time to move on.. and look towards the future..instead of holding on to the past. I know its not new year or anything but its the 1st of the month and i have been doing a lot of thinking about what and where i would like my life to go, sooo.. i have written them down... 1. smile more- i have heard that it takes more muscles to frown than smile- so i am going to give it a go. 2. Stress less.. about the little insignificant things in life. 3. More positive about myself and others.. dont think about how people perceive me- just be me. 4. loose weight.. i am trying, but i havent been trying hard. So i am going to make a commitment to try more- i know that when i have been smaller i have been more positive and have more confidence.. 5. GIVE UP SMOKING!!! Yes, jen u have heard this before.. but this time i am going to TRY! I went and played Vollyball last wednesday and when it finished i got in my car and had to wait 15 minutes for my inhaler to kick in.. so i was shaking all the way home- and i put the aircon on, and man it STUNK!So i am going to TRY.. first step towards doing that is i have phoned a lady who does the hypnotherapy- mum said she will pay if it works- if not i have to pay (so i need to make it work). 6. Try harder at work- god knows how slack i have been recently and how fed up i have been- you only get out what you put in.. so i am going to try. 7. Make more time for my family and friends.. i look at how fast Jennae's boys are growing up and realise my little sister is doing exactly the same.. so i would like to build on the bond we have now. And... hopefully spend more time with Mum and Dad- have have tried so hard with me over the years and i am grateful to them- so i think spending more time with them will help. And... i went over to Jen's tonight- i got invited (and i felt soo special- especially coz i'm usually always pestering her, asking if she is free) and i had a good time. We relaxed and had a scone and coffee and then went to scrap... i cant tel you how much i love the page i have done (with Jen's help of course!!!) I LOVE it, its for my Auntie, i took photos of her daughters year 12 ball and got a lovely photo of the whole family, so i have scrapped that! I think my scrapbooking is coming on really well lately (thanks to Jen and the wonderful people at scraptivate!!!) 8. Get up earlier!!! hahahhaha... well i can try! 9. Learn more about myself... 10. Be the best person i can be THATS it i think.... most of you have probably been bored to death readind this, but i wanted to share with you how i am feeling right now... i am looking forward to the future and whatever that may bring.. there's always someone else worst off in this world so i am grateful for the wonderful people in my life right now... they include- my parents, my sis, my brothers (michael, Steven and Drew), my bestest friends Jen and Kel, cath, shelley, charlene, clare, astair and megan i think i have covered them all. Some friends i could not live without- Jen and Cath i think - god u two are soo funny!!! Anyways, enough of my essay... must head to bed to make sure i keep in with number 8... heheheh Love to all, SMile VIK XXX

Saturday, March 29, 2008

my favourite song at the moment...

WHAT HURTS THE cascada. is relevant to how i feel right now. I thought there was something wrong with me.. but life has its ups and downs.. and i guess im just on one of those downs right now. Crying doesnt seem to do much- but give me a headache! lol. I did have a great time last night at scraptivate.. was a bloody good laugh- just wish i could have a laugh and feel ok all the time. I am doing an album for my dad at the moment- i feel quite honoured to be asked! anyways, thats my moan for the week.. hope everyone is well... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house That don't bother me I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while Even though going on with you gone still upsets me There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok But that's not what gets me"

Monday, March 17, 2008


AND I CANT SLEEP!!!!! SO I DECIDED TO GRAB A COFFEE, SNUGGLE UP IN BED FOR TEN MINUTES AND UPDATE MY BLOG! Hope you are all well, i am good (besides the no sleep thing!!!) Not really that much to blog about really.... ermmm had a really good time at Scraptivate on Friday night- was good to catch up with everyone. Couple of weekends ago i went to a Karoake night in the city- was ok- food was ok and singing (from others) could have been better- but thats what you get with Karoake!! LOL Oh, i went arounf to see a friend who was travelling around the world with her friend and children- havent seen her since Novemeber last year.. so i knocked on the door the other day only to hear that they got back late Feb and decided they enjoyed it so much they went back to Seattle for two months!! I was shocked- i wish i could do that! Anyways, must dash- have to put my face on before i go to work! Love to all xx x

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentines Day...

Hello Well its Valentines day- and i could not be happier without a man- i know sounds crazy but they are too much effort! hahaha. I am however, going to a Masqerade ball- at the shed in leederville. I didnt originally want to go but my friends are dragging me there!! I am looking forward to it! Well, the best bit is i can party late and lye in! YES i have a FLEX day tomorrow!! Im soo excited! And the other best bit... I get to go to SCRAPTIVATE tomorrow night for there crop night with Jen, Cath, Char, Shelly and lennie. It should be a great night. :) On Tuesday night i went to Kelsey's ATC class at Scraptivate- and had a ball! We did colour washing.. and i loved it. I am sat at work right now and there is no body to be served at the counter... so i am blogging. I had the weirdest dream last night about me running to catch a plane coz i was running from the police as i had killed someone... i have no idea who it was i killed but it was very strange!! I hope i dont have the same dream tonight!! Im crazy!!! LOL Well thats about it from me... happy Valentines day.. and have a good weekend! luv Vik xxx

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Well, i am soo glad its friday!! I am helping Jen tonight with all the cleaning before 'anfony' gets back.. best bit is i get paid for it!! YAY.. lol.. not really i would do it for free for her anytime!! I am staying over at Jen's and then when boys go to their Dad's tomorrow i am going to Scrap all day at Jens!! I am excited. Then tomorrow night i have to pick my two friends up from the Airport.. yay- at midnight :( Sunday i plan to sleep in and then spend some quality time with my sister and family (if they arent doing anything). Would like to maybe go fishing.. havent been for ages!! Having withdrawels.. I looked on Ebay for a Dingy... i found one that fits three in it- but its only vinyl and as one of my friends pointed out what the heck would i do when it bursts and had to carry my rod, tackle and bucket to shore.. so i think i have decided not to go ahead with it!! LOL... would be a funny slight to see. I dont DO the water.. only if im on a boat or something- (sea water that is!!) Anyway, must dash... have to finish up a few things before home time (i sound like a 5 year old)!! Love to all Have a good weekend Love vik P.s I LOVE jen's new doggy... SAM is soooo cute... and so cuddly! AND i havent got any allergic reaction to him yet- which AMAZES me coz i usually start sneezing and coughing and eyes are bad when i walk into a room with any animals!! So maybe my luck has changed and i have gotten used to them.. so happy!! :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

work work work....

Im at work right now and i am sooo hungry... need food!!! Thought i would write a quick post before lunch.. How is everybody?? I am really inspired by what i have seen from Jen & Shelly's art journal that they are doing from Emily Falconbridges blog.... i really really want to start one.. need to get my butt into gear and start it. Also need to do my Vintage cards for sharon Mannings site... i cant wait to get back into it.. Being away for four weeks i kinda feel out of the feral group.. and wasnt in the right mind frame to scrap when i got back.. but i really really have the scrapping bug and want to do more (right now!! LOL) which i cant coz im working!! Well, not very hard.. lol Anyways, thats me for a couple a days... is it friday yet?? LOL luv to all the ferals vik xxxx

Sunday, January 27, 2008

IM Back!!!

I have been home a week and a lot has happened during this time! I am back at work- fn fun.. i went to Moore River on Sat with Kelly and my folks and sister.. was good. We went fishing- i forgot to put sunscreen on.. so hence im so sore! Kelly forgot to put it on her neck and it has all blistered! tut tut.. so the winner for blistering is kelly, and i get the stoopid award for not putting any sunscreen on!! DUHHH!!! We went to Ben's house on Sat night (kelly's Ben) and got sooo drunk, i was being sick in his oilet and bathroom (sooo sorry Ben) and we (Clare, Kelly, Katrina and I) decided to go skinny diping at 2am!! I was very sick yesterday! Anyways, hope u are all good.. photo's of me sunburnt and kelly's neck are here: