Wednesday, January 30, 2008

work work work....

Im at work right now and i am sooo hungry... need food!!! Thought i would write a quick post before lunch.. How is everybody?? I am really inspired by what i have seen from Jen & Shelly's art journal that they are doing from Emily Falconbridges blog.... i really really want to start one.. need to get my butt into gear and start it. Also need to do my Vintage cards for sharon Mannings site... i cant wait to get back into it.. Being away for four weeks i kinda feel out of the feral group.. and wasnt in the right mind frame to scrap when i got back.. but i really really have the scrapping bug and want to do more (right now!! LOL) which i cant coz im working!! Well, not very hard.. lol Anyways, thats me for a couple a days... is it friday yet?? LOL luv to all the ferals vik xxxx

Sunday, January 27, 2008

IM Back!!!

I have been home a week and a lot has happened during this time! I am back at work- fn fun.. i went to Moore River on Sat with Kelly and my folks and sister.. was good. We went fishing- i forgot to put sunscreen on.. so hence im so sore! Kelly forgot to put it on her neck and it has all blistered! tut tut.. so the winner for blistering is kelly, and i get the stoopid award for not putting any sunscreen on!! DUHHH!!! We went to Ben's house on Sat night (kelly's Ben) and got sooo drunk, i was being sick in his oilet and bathroom (sooo sorry Ben) and we (Clare, Kelly, Katrina and I) decided to go skinny diping at 2am!! I was very sick yesterday! Anyways, hope u are all good.. photo's of me sunburnt and kelly's neck are here: