Sunday, August 12, 2007

This is what we have been doing this afternoon- sitting outside a friend's place overlooking the ocean and also going in the`spa. Just got home- knackered!!! talk soon luv vik

Sunday, August 5, 2007

My week

Hey Everyone, Hope you are all ok... feels like im miles away from the creative world at the moment.My week was pretty good until about Thursday night- after i played Netball, wasn't feeling the best.. Went to work Friday and decided to go home and sleep.. Had a cough and cold. It's amazing what cold and flu tablets and a bit of sleep can do! I went to watch Abbie play netball on Saturday, Ben came and watched too(yes im still with him- love him to bits!!). Abbie played so well and got lots of goals in- and they won. After the game we went to Mums and watched Speed the movie and a bit of Cars before heading off to Production for Ben's Theatre thingy. I helped out and did the curtains.. was so proud of myself- lol! Afterwards we went to the director's house with the rest of the cast and had a few drinks.. we got back to Ben's at 2ish. Today we went to watch the game at Mum and Dad's with them and left at half time to see Ben's family. Was rubbish to watch the last half! Ben was so upset.. I cant believe Dorkers beat us!! Josh Carr was a mongrol!! Poor Benny! I didnt mind that his shirt was ripped- i kept saying to the TV for him to just take it off! lol. I know i am not the world's greatest fan of AFL but these last two years i have enjoyed watching the Eagles, dissapointing today though! We then headed to the after party for the production, we didnt stay long, maybe 20 mins before Ben said he was feeling ill... so we came home. We had a sleep and got up to make dinner and tidy up/get ready for tomorrow at work! .. Work- god, not really looking forward to it.. have a heap of stuff to do from Friday that i didnt want to touch coz i wasnt feeling the best. Hopefully after work i am headin to Jen's and bringing Die Hard 4 with me. I miss my best friend, seems like ages since i saw her. Next week is Abbie's 11th Birthday (sat) and she is really excited.. all she wants from me is the new harry potter book- sold!! lol.. makes a change from last years present- Nintendo DS! lol.. Can't Believe Michael (Jens' oldest) will be 14 next Monday.. he is such a lovely boy! It is only under 4 weeks til my birthday- i am really nervous.. Hopefuly everything goes ok. Must dash, Bed is calling. Love to all... mwah xxxx