Sunday, May 13, 2007

A promise to myself.. oh and THAT paperclip.

Hello All,
It has been a while since i last blogged- and no, i havent managed to figure out how to put photo's on from home, so i've been doing lots of scrapping but nothing to put on the blog to show for myself.
The last few weeks have been pretty full on- lots of classes- went to Emily Falconbridge's class last Thursday- which was good. Then i went to Linda Baldock's shellec and stamping classes- i had such a ball with them.
I am blogging to make a promise to myself- i am going to LOOSE weight- i have been so depressed these last few months that i am putting it down to lack of communication with everyone and my weight. I have a fantastic best friend who is very supportive- so im going to loose weight-and exercise. I gave up umpiring because i found it too much to handle. I have taken up beach vollyball and bowling- so tues,wed and thrusday nights are full of exercise- all i have to do now is go walking and watch what i put in my mouth! Its going to to be difficult but i am going to TRY- something i am not very good at doing! I am sick of being fat- and having such a low self esteem because of it! So, by my 21at birthday (September 4th) i am going to put all my effort into loosing at least 15-20kgs!!
On a different note, i have been in hospital the last few days.. (dont laugh when i tell you this..but) i swallowed a paperclip on Thursday at 11.30am during a good laugh with friends at work. I was chewing it and it went down my throat- i thought i could bring it back up with water- but that just pushed it dowm. 5 minutes later i was at RPH with wheezing and had x rays done. It was in my stomach and at the time i had no pain- so the doctorsaid i could go home. I started to walk back to my work and i had horrible stabbing pains in my tummy-so i thought of going home. I went to visit a friend at Joondalup and ended up going to Emergency at 5pm- it was so busy that i went bowling. During my third bowling round i was in terrible pain so i went back to Emergency. They got me through pretty quick and i had xrays, drips, lots of wires all over me, ct scans etc.. the surgeon came down to see me and said he wasnt sure if the paperclip (that was open- so sharp end) had perforated or could perforate my bowel. The other doctors gathered around and thought i would need surgery. They pumped morphine into me and about three hours later i was admitted onto a ward. The surgeon was still wondering if i should have surgery. They decided to keep me in overnight and moniter the situation in the morning. By friday, i had morphine overload and was vomiting all over the place- they gave me three anti nauseuos injections- nothing seemed to work. To cut a long story kinda short (sorry girls) i was given enemas and heaps of laxative crap and it worked- i passed the paperclip (very painfuly) at about 1am this morning. Surgeon said if i ate my breakfast and kept it down i could go home!! So three nights in hospital and a paperclip later i was out of there- i was so glad.
I think i have overdone it today though- i went to see Jen and then went to a friends place for the afternoon.. I am feeling quite tired and worn out now, so best go and get some sleep. I'm off to Jen's tomorrow to help her with the kids and watch all the greys anatomy DVDS!! YAY- something to look forward to.
chow for now.. luv vik xxx